
Showing posts from October, 2023


  Transcendence The number 120 bears great significance in GOD's plan for salvation, deliverance, and redemption for us, HIS creation. As I began to look at this number and how it appears in scripture, I also began to notice a theme of water ( cloud ), sacrifice ( blood ), and Spirit ( fire ) being part of the plan to change the world from corruption to incorruption .  In Genesis 6:3, the LORD states: "MY Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh : yet his days shall be 120 years." The word ' strive ' used here is the Hebrew word ' dîn ' (H1777). This root word can mean: "to rule, judge, contend, plead, or quarrel." Many people believe these 120 years that the LORD referenced are the number of years a mortal man is given to live, or the time period before the flood . I think it means more. I tend to agree that it is a divinely appointed time of waiting that signifies the passing away of the age of the flesh ( sin ) and th