O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: 7 Titles of Christ

    One of my favorite songs during this season has always been O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.  
Something about the melody of the song gives me “the feels”.  I decided to write out the words to the song and was planning on crafting a cross-stitch tapestry with the lyrics.  However, when I looked up the lyrics, I found huge discrepancies in the order and wording of the song.  
    It turns out that over the years, the original words/parts have been changed to suit the melody and rhyming of the lyrics…and probably for other reasons.  This generated my curiosity and I looked up the original Latin words that the song was derived from.  
    From what I found, the original Latin was written somewhere between the 6th and 9th century, but the 1851 English paraphrased form by John Mason Neale was the most prominent and widespread.  The Latin form revealed 7 titles/attributes of Christ mentioned in Scripture, which back then, included the Apocryphal books as well: 
O Sapientia (O Wisdom), 
O Adonai, 
O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), 
O Clavis David (O Key of David), 
O Oriens (O Dayspring [O Dawn of the East]), 
O Rex Gentium (O King of the Gentiles/Nations), and lastly 
O Emmanuel.  
Coincidentally, the first letter of each title, from last to first, form the Latin phrase: 
ERO CRAS, which means ‘Tomorrow, I will be’.  
I made a table for myself to show the Latin, English, and Scriptural references that I could find.  
I decided to share this table with you and I hope that it blesses you, as it has blessed me.


  1. Amazing information! I think your first blog entry is a great one. It blessed me.

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know!

  2. Awesome job !! Clearly following in the disciple's footsteps!


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