Twenty-one Birds of Revelation
The study of Deuteronomy 14:12-18, revealed to me the pattern of some markers of Revelation.
Interestingly enough, this Sabbath portion focuses on what we should rā’â “see”.
When comparing the pattern of these birds to the previous list of unclean birds in Leviticus 11:13-19, I noticed that there was a bird added to the list and that the order of the birds also changed.
When I looked at the bird that was added to the list, I was shocked that the ROOT word of the bird was H7200 rā’â, this Sabbath portion’s word meaning “see, behold.”
Once I shook off my astonishment, I began the process of asking GOD to reveal to me what we are supposed to “see” in these birds.
GOD told me to focus on their ATTRIBUTES and attachments to scripture.
I hope to express what I believe GOD wanted me to “see,” in the curious attributes of these birds.
I will include scriptural references that have these words in them and Strong’s Concordance numbers to help bring better understanding.
I will put keywords or subtitles next to the scripture to help guide our focus.
I encourage you to read the entire chapter to get the context of the verses that I cite.
P.S. I am using the KJV Bible so if you have a different version, the names of the birds may be different, but I am going directly to the original Hebrew, which has not changed.
1. The Eagle→ ROOT H5404 “to lacerate” (Deu 32:1) The Song of Moses #2 (bird 1,4)
(Eze 1:10, 10:14) Cherubim
(Eze 17:3,7) Parable of Two Eagles and a Vine
(Oba 1:4) The Coming Judgment on Edom
(Hab 1:8) Horsemen (See Rev. 6:1-8)
2. The Ossifrage→ H6538 “tearing, claw”
↳ ROOT H6536 “to break in pieces, to split, tear, break in two, divide”
(Isa 58:7) Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In
(Jer 16:7) Grievous Deaths in the Land
3. The Ospray→ H5822 “strength, power, acute vision”
↳ H5797 “strength, might, refuge, protection, splendor, majesty, glory, praise”
(Exo 15:2,13) The Song of Moses #1 (bird 6,13)
(1Sa 2:10) Hannah’s Prayer and Song
(Psa 28:7-8) A Plea for Deliverance, Rejoicing in Answered Prayer
(Psa 59:9,16-17) Plea for Deliverance, GOD’s Defense, Praise for GOD’s Defense
(Psa 90:11) The Song of Moses #3
↳ ROOT H5810 “to be stout, strong, powerful, prevail”
(Psa 89:13) → (Psa 89:46)How Long, LORD? ⇿ How long, O Lord (See Rev 6:10)
4. The Glede→ H7201 “sharp, keen sight”
↳ ROOT H7200 “to see, look, behold, perceive, consider, regard, appear”
(Deu 11:26) See/Behold *This week’s Sabbath Portion
(Exo 3:2-4,7,9,16) GOD Saw HIS People’s Oppression and Heard Their Cry
(Deu 29:2-4,17,22) GOD’s Covenant with Israel
(Deu 32:19-20,36,39) The Song of Moses #2 (bird 1,4)
(2Sa 22:11,16) David’s Song of Praise
(Psa 18:15) Channels and Foundations
(1Ki 22:17,19,25) Israel w/out Shepherd, The LORD on HIS Throne, Hide Thyself
(2Ch 18:16,18,24) “↑ witness” ‘Hide Thyself’ ⇿ (Isa 2:10,19-21)(See Rev. 6:16-17)
5. The Kite→ H344 “cry, scream, keen-sighted” (Job 28:7) The Search, Price, and Source of Wisdom
↳ H337 “alas!, woe!” ⤷ (Job 28:26) Statute for the (Latter) Rain
(Ecc 4:10) Two Better Than One Path of Lightning (Flashing Clouds)
(Ecc 10:16) Woe to You, THE Voice (of Thunder)
A Bird w/ THE Voice ⤷ (Job 38:25) Split Waters
*(See Rev. 8:13-11:19 Woe, woe, woe) Channel of Healing
↳ H188 “woe! alas! oh!, lamentation” THE Star, THE Sceptre Calls
↳(Num 24:23) Balaam’s Latter Days Vision
↳ ROOT H183 “to wish for, desire, wait longingly, cry out, turn aside”
(Isa 26:9) A Soul’s Desire: Mind on GOD, A Song of Salvation
⤷ (Isa 26:11) They Shall ‘See’ (to gaze at)
Be Ashamed (to pale)
Envy (jealousy)
⤷ (Zec 12:10) “…they shall look upon Me תא whom they have pierced,
and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for
his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one
that is in bitterness for his firstborn.”
⤷ (Rev 1:7-8) “‘Behold’, He cometh with clouds; and every eye
shall ‘see’ Him, and they also which pierced Him:
and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because
of Him. Even so, Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega (תא), the beginning
and the ending, saith the LORD, which is, and
which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
6. The Vulture→ H1772 “rapid, swift flight” (Isa 34:15) Judgment on the Nations (bird 6-8,13)
↳ ROOT H1675 “dart, fly swiftly” *the great owl H7091 “arrow snake, to contract”
(Deu 28:49) *make nest H7077 “make nest, nestle”
Israel Enslaved/Cursed * lay H4422 “smooth, escape, birth, deliver”
(2Sa 22:11) * hatch H1234 “cleave, break, rend, rip, open”
David’s Song of Praise * gather ROOT H1716 “brood/gather young”
(Psa 18:10) ⤷ (Jer 17:11) Judah’s Sin and Punishment
Fly on Wings of Wind * under her shadow H6738 “shade, shadow”
ROOT H6749 “to tumble down, sink, be submerged” ↭ ⤷ ROOT H6751 “to shade, grow dark”
(Exo 15:10) The Song of Moses #1 (bird 3,13) (Neh 13:19) Profaning Sabbath
(Eze 31:3) Nations Shake
7. The Raven→ H6158 “dusky hue, black” (Isa 34:11) Judgment on the Nations (bird 6-8,13)
↳ ROOT H6150 “become evening, grow dark” ↭ ROOT H6148 “to braid, intermix”
(Jdg 19:9) The Harlot (Pro 20:16, 27:13) Bind/Destroy
(1Sa 17:16) The Giant
(Isa 24:11) Joy is Darkened (See Rev. 11:10)
8. The Daughters of the Owl→ H1323 + H3284 “desolation, wailing, greed”
(Job 30:29) Object of Contempt ⤷ H3283 “greediness, gluttony”
(Isa 13:21) Labor Pains (Lam 4:3) Degradation of Zion
(Isa 34:13) Judgment on the Nations** ⤷ ROOT H3282 “pay attention”
(Isa 43:20) Unfaithful Israel (Isa 3:16) Daughters of Zion
(Jer 50:39) Land of Graven Images
(Mic 1:8) Coming Judgment **(See birds 6-8,13)
9. The Night Hawk→ H8464 “violence, wrong, cruelty toward young” (See Rev. 12-13)
↳ ROOT H2554 “to be violent, maltreat, oppress violently, to injure”
(Job 15:33) Trouble and Anguish
(Jer 13:22) Shame Made Naked
(Jer 22:3) Oppressors Warned
(Eze 22:2) Wicked Leaders
10. The Cuckow→ H7828 “to peel, emaciate, thin”
11. The Hawk→ H5322 “brilliancy, flashing speed” (Gen 40:10) Prisoners’ Dreams
(Job 39:26) Fowl of the Air
↳ ROOT H5340 “to glare, shine, bright-colored, sparkle”
(Eze 1:7) Angels/Cherubim (See Rev. 14-15)
12. תא The Little Owl→ ROOT H3563 “to hold together, a vessel, a cup” (see Rev. 16-19:3)
(Psa 11:6) Coals, Fire, Wind ⤷ (Gen 40:11, 13, 21) The Cup
(Jer 25:15, 17, 28)(Jer 49:12) The Cup of Fury
(Eze 23:31-33) Cup for Israel and Judah
(Hab 2:16) Shame Exposed
13. The Great Owl→ H3244 “sound of blowing a horn/trumpet” (Isa 34:11) Judgment on the Nations
↳ ROOT H5398 “to breeze, blow upon, fresh wind”
GOD’s People Are Comforted (Isa 40:24) ⤶ ⤷ (Exo 15:10) The Song of Moses #1
(birds 3,6)
14. The Swan→ H8580 “hard breathing, changing color”
↳ ROOT H5395 “to blow away, destroy, to pant (woman in labor)”
(Isa 42:14) Promise of GOD’s Help / Judgment of GOD
15. The Pelican→ H6893 “voracious, vomiting” (Isa 34:11) Judgment on the Nations
(Zep 2:14) A Place for Beasts
↳ ROOT H6958 “vomit, spew/spue” (Jer 25:27) Rise No More
(Lev 18:25,28, 20:22) Defiled Land Vomits Its Inhabitants
(Job 20:15) Wicked Will Perish
16. The Gier Eagle→ H7360 “tender towards its young” (see Rev. 19:4-18)
↳ ROOT H7355 “to fondle, love, compassionate, tender affection, obtain mercy”
(Deu 30:3) Blessing of Returning to GOD/ GOD’s Mercy on Israel
(Psa 18:1) I Love the LORD, My Strength
(Isa 49:10,13,15) Sing of GOD’s Comfort and Mercy/Remembering Zion
(Isa 54:8,10) Everlasting Kindness and Covenant of Peace
(Zec 10:6) Restoration of GOD’s People
17. The Cormorant→ H7994 “casting/hurling down” (see Rev. 19:19-20:10)
↳ ROOT H7993 “to throw/cast out, down, or away”